banana and *chocolate* cakes

Neither Pete nor I are especially fond of bananas in their raw form, but I bought some for the GrandToad’s visit a few days ago. He didn’t really want them either, so there were five bananas going brown in the fruit bowl. Not a problem – banana cake! I use a basic recipe refined over…

leftover milk

  (not quite sure why the photo turned itself horizontal – sorry). We quite often have leftover milk – neither P nor I have milk in tea or coffee, so it’s quite easy for us to not manage to use it up before it turns. But still, there’s always something to do with it, even…

a sort of chickpea fusion stew

[Apologies: I really meant to take a photo of this, but now we’ve scoffed most of it] As I’ve written before, I love pulses. I try to use dried ones, because they’re so much cheaper, and they cook up beautifully in the slow cooker, without filling the kitchen with steam or having to be watched…

a chicken pie and a raspberry cake

I’ve written before about everlasting chicken. We don’t throw any of it away, except the bones, and then only when they’ve been boiled up for soup. I sometimes put the last bits of the meat into a pie filling, and bung that in the freezer, and when we had a friend coming for supper the…

Morrisons: a disappointment. And a blackberry cake

We try not to use big supermarkets much. My usual haunt is Aldi, but if I must go elsewhere, we generally do Morrisons. And there are some “treaty” things we get in Morrisons, so when Pete cycled off there on Saturday with trailer in tow (after the car debacle), he was going to get some….

two bean goulash thing

I looked at the remaining kidney beans, and I really felt that they weren’t going to make a substantial meal, so I bunged a load of black eyed beans into soak. I know you don’t generally need to soak/boil them, but these were quite elderly, so I thought it best. On Sunday morning, I nipped…

tuna and kidney bean salad

I put a stack of kidney beans into to soak on Thursday night, and boiled them up in the slow cooker on Friday. I really do recommend slow cookers for beans – they don’t fill the kitchen with steam, they don’t need topping up, the beans don’t stick. On Saturday, I made a tuna and…

a sort of goulash

We have started on the Use It Up, by making a goulash-ish sort of thing. Put some elderly dried butter beans in to soak, then boiled them up for 90 minutes (they really were elderly). Took a piece of pork shoulder from the freezer, diced it up before it was quite thawed (much easier that…

very quick asparagus and pasta

We love asparagus, but we only eat it in May/June, when it is British grown – somehow imported stuff doesn’t taste the same. Well, it doesn’t taste of anything, really. So we tend to gorge a bit when the local stuff is in season. I picked up two bunches from a roadside stall in Norfolk on…

pork and pasta

I had a boneless pork chop, about 120g worth, loitering in the freezer. We’re trying to eat up all these oddments, so I fetched it out on Monday to do a stir fry. Pete volunteered to cook it, and while it was very nice, it would have been even better if he’d remembered to put…