about me

Monday morning breakfast


I’m mac jordan, female, middle aged, of Irish extraction, and I live with my husband Pete in Hull, in the East Riding of Yorkshire.  (in the UK). The image is of me directing operations at a bikers’ breakfast in a garage in Carmarthen. It’s probably best not to ask. I wonder where that hat went.

You can find out more about me at my personal site, kestrel.org, although it is woefully neglected. To relax, I cook. Enthusiastically, if not well. I’m not in to Heston Blumenthal territory (well obviously), but I enjoy it. By and large, I don’t plan meals,  unless we’re entertaining.  That sounds awfully grand, and isn’t what we do at all, but we do have people over for supper quite often.  The rest of the time I practice what has become known, in this house, as reactive cooking.

I cannot abide waste, and so I’m constantly trying out new things to use up what we have.  I have a well stocked larder, so can concoct most things.

Don’t get me wrong – we’re not eating scraps or anything.  I just find it a really interesting challenge to use up the food that we have, rather than throw it away – I’m quite happy making a spanish loaf to use up 50g of fresh yeast, or making a fancy pudding to save some scrotal apricots going to waste.

It’s a great plan, but of course I can rarely recreate anything, foodwise.  And that’s mostly, although not entirely, what this blog is about.  I might post some other things from time to time, particularly about Tesco, who I loathe with a deadly loathing.  I’ll try to keep it food-related, though.

I’m also interested in saving energy, so you’ll find posts about the Remoska oven, and my slow cooker (my latest gadget, which I love). [edit] The Remoska is gone, sold, as we have insufficient counter space in this house.

This is just food. And possibly cats. Did I mention the cats? Obviously they have a blog too. Also woefully out of date.

all six



2 Comments Add yours

  1. Kate Brabazon says:

    How nice to come across you. I have an oldish grand Remoska, several slow pots and have just acquired a digital pressure cooker, actually a Pressure King Pro. Sadly I’ve not yet had the opportunity to use this yet as kitchen is being remodeled(, at least that is what he calls it!) I too rarely plan meals in advance but use what I have and what is marked down in the shop.
    I hope to follow you with interest.

    1. reactivecook says:

      They’re wonderful things, aren’t they? We disposed of ours when we moved, as we are very short of counter space, but if I ever get my camper van (a long standing dream), I shall be getting another to use in my travelling kitchen 🙂

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