
I was lucky enough to be given 2lbs of gooseberries by a friend, who grows them in her garden. I made a ginormous crumble with them, and very nice it was too. Shame it’s a) such a short season, and b) you rarely see them in shops. If you’re cooking gooseberries, don’t forget to put…

working weekend

we spent most of the weekend working;. I don’t think we’ve had a full day off for about four weeks, and it’s starting to show … making silly mistakes with server config files and flailing formed a large part of yesterday afternoon 🙁 which meant that the Complicated Cooking I’d planned fell into abeyance –…

a couple of stirfry hints

We eat a lot of stirfries – quick, nutritious, tasty, ideal food in a hurry. Here’s a couple of tips – you probably all do this already, but never mind 🙂 if you’re stirfrying meat, before you start to prepare everything else, slice it and put it in a bowl with some soy sauce, and…

last night's supper (16/6/7)

We started with tuna, quickly seared in a ribbed pan, accompanied by a broth with slivered ginger, sesame seeds, rice wine, shoyu, a dash of balsamic vinegar, and finely chopped coriander, and some rice. It was glorious. And then. And then. Ohmigod. We had molten chocolate cakes, accompanied by raspberries and cream. And then we…

we love asparagus

it’s just glorious stuff, but the season is so short … we won’t buy it unless its local. Not for us the “flown in from Peru” stuff, as it has no taste. There’s some nice asparagus recipes on Nibblous – and British Asparagus is a very handy resource. Enjoy – the glorious green stuff won’t…

simple food again

Concocted this for supper last night – quick and simple, tasty and healthy. What’s not to like? 🙂 Seed and core a red or green (bell) pepper, slice thinly. Slice a courgette into batons. Quarter an onion, then slice thinly. Finely chop as much garlic as you like (lots in our case) and some peeled…

simple food

The other night, Pete and I both had to be out of the house at 7.15. This is early for us – we don’t normally eat until about 8 p.m. And we forgot to get anything out of the freezer, and didn’t stop work till about 6.30. So, one big pot of penne pasta. When…

rice is nice

We eat far more rice than we do potato – it doesn’t need peeling, for a start. We bought a 20kg bag of basmati, and I noted the date so we could see how long it took us to eat through it. And it was 9 months and 3 weeks. There’s only two of us,…

breaking with tradition

Every year, towards the end of December, I buy a bag of cranberries. I don’t know why – I don’t like cranberry sauce, and anyway, we always eat goose for our festive dinner, but there you go; it’s part of the Christmas Tradition. And so, towards the end of February, we generally have an equally…