using less fuel

Fuel prices here, both gas and electricity, are larcenous. We already try not to use the central heating; we are lucky enough to have a woodburner, and that heats downstairs, and our bedroom above, and we put up with a cold bathroom. Having the fuel paid for in advance is nice, and I get a…

a full oven, and a plum crumble

Further to the last post on energy saving cooking, here is the oven full of cauli cheese, roast potatoes, and plum and apple crumble. I poached the plums in water with a teaspoon of five spice for about 8 minutes, then put them in an oven proof dish, bubbled the liquor down a bit, then…

energy saving cooking

Apologies for the hiatus in posts – I find cooking in the summer a bit meh and uninteresting, and had nothing new to write. Thus I welcomed the autumn weather with glee, exhumed a chicken carcass from the freezer, and made stock, then soup, in the slow cooker. Of course, immediately the weather turned into…