mongrel soup

As mentioned previously, soup was in the offing. I boiled up the chickie! carcass from the freezer yesterday, and used the stock to make ris e bisi, and very nice it was too. The rest has been turned into soup, with some carrots, some exceedingly wrinkled potatoes and – believe it or not – a…

I love my freezer …

It is the Summer; and thus it is cold, and raining, and generally bloody miserable, weather wise. In the fridge I have some peapods – mostly empty, because Pete got to the bowl of peas, but still. I have a plan for these pods tonight, which I shall reveal to you later. I need some…

unseasonal soup

It has rained here (near Bristol, UK) since Sunday, and the forecast says rain as far ahead as I can see (which is next Sunday). And so last night, I made some soup for our lunches. It seems ridiculous, given that it’s almost June, but we were actually sitting watching television last night with a…

we like soup

Working at home, we generally have a pot of soup on the go during the colder months. However, it’s almost May, and it’s not *meant* to be colder now, but this morning it was. So I looked in the fridge, and found a motley assortment of rather weary veg: some very tired carrots, a swede,…

keeping the cupboards stocked

Ever since I (literally) went bankrupt, and didn’t know quite know where the next meals were coming from for a while, I’ve been almost obsessive about keeping cupboards and freezers full. We could live for at least two months, probably longer, with what I have stocked away. Which meant that this morning, when it is…


I’m very glad I wrote that last post. It reminded me that the bone from the lamb was sitting in the huge cast iron vat. On the top of the fridge, rather than on the gas, being made into stock.

when the going gets tough

The tough get … cooking. perlmonger has been up to his eyes today configuring servers; that’s not something that I can really help with, so I had a cooking frenzy. I made Some soda bread for lunch – my Irish grandmother made a loaf of this every morning, and it’s delicious. I actually use a…

dining on duck

Well, we dined on duck a couple of weeks ago, and then I threw the carcass in the freezer to deal with later. Pulled it out again at the weekend, and boiled it up for a couple of hours; we were driven demented by the aroma! And last night I stripped the meat off it…