courgette and pasta bake

We make this recipe (or a variation on it) fairly often, and it involves far too long standing over the cooker in a cold kitchen (the hole in the wall is being mended tomorrow – hurrah!). So in the interests of experimentation, I thought I’d have a bash at doing the sauce in the little…

a sort of chickpea fusion stew

[Apologies: I really meant to take a photo of this, but now we’ve scoffed most of it] As I’ve written before, I love pulses. I try to use dried ones, because they’re so much cheaper, and they cook up beautifully in the slow cooker, without filling the kitchen with steam or having to be watched…

courgette stir fry

One courgette, cut into batons, and three spring onions, finely sliced. Lots of garlic and ginger, chopped finely. Some dried chilli flakes. Stir fried together, then a slosh of soy, slosh of rice wine. Eaten with rice, out of bowls (I seem to eat less if it’s in a bowl, lord knows why).

Malayasian-ish veg curry

We had a meal in the local Malaysian restaurant last week, and it was utterly delicious, so I thought I’d have a bash at creating my own. I didn’t bother looking up recipes – it’s more fun to try to recreate a dish, in my opinion. In the fridge veg drawers was a load of…

another lentil moussaka

We’re struggling a bit to keep up with the veg at the moment – really, we need a box two weeks out of three, but Abel and Cole had a special offer when we joined, and there’s a £50 voucher at the end of our first four weeks,  so we must keep going; this week…

a sort of moussaka

There is a glut of courgettes in the fridge; we normally do a sort of pasta bake with tomatoes, basil and mozzarella, or stir fry them, but I caught a glimpse of some cookery programme the other day where somebody was making a moussaka with courgettes instead of aubergine, and so I thought I’d give…