chicken with feta and basil

Regular readers will know that our regular fare is Indian, middle Eastern, Italian, but rarely, very rarely, something that involves potatoes and veg and so forth. But we had a dying basil plant and half a block of feta that needed using up, and some chicken breasts in the freezer, and Jersey Royals, and English…

cheap as chipsH^H chicken

From time to time – actually, quite often – our local CoOps (and probably yours, if you have one) do great offers on fresh chicken. I like to take advantage of these and stow them in the freezer. The most recent was two packs of chicken thighs for four quid, which seems like a bargain…

chickpeas with chicken

We had a load of cold cooked chicken left over from a roast, some rather tired coriander leaves, a wizened yellow pepper, so time for one of our favourites. Roughly chopped two onions, several cloves of garlic and the yellow pepper, and sauteéd them off in some olive oil. Added some chopped chorizo and let…

fusion stirfy

We had a simple roast chickie on Sunday, with roast veg. So on Tuesday we had a stir fry, with some cold roast chicken, some button mushrooms, and the remainder of the roast veg.  It worked remarkably well!

chicken and fennel with pasta

Our local Co-Op had special offers on chicken last week – two packs of diced breast for a fiver, and the same for whole breast.  I picked up two packs of each and stowed them in the freezer, not least because I’m trying to cut down my red meat consumption. There was also a head…

chicken and red pepper risotto

We haven’t had a risotto for ages, for some reason.  The carcass of the last chicken we had, about three weeks ago, was stuffed in the freezer; I pulled it out and stuck it in the slow cooker to make stock, and there was a surprising amount of meat on it, which we put in…

chicken (and duck) soup

I stuck the chicken carcass in the slow cooker (how I love that thing!) with just some water, and cooked it overnight to make stock. And then I cooked it again the next night, as I hadn’t got round to removing the chicken from it and stripping the last of the meat from the bones…

chicken pie

(Or, at least, the filling thereof).  We had a roast chicken last week, a 5lb one.  It fed four for one meal, we had a stir fry the next night, then Pete stripped the carcass and I made stock, and then soup from the bones. But the remaining meat languished in the fridge – somehow…

"bland food"

We have some friends coming over for supper tonight – we only met them quite recently, and we’ve never eaten together before.  I asked Linda if there was anything she didn’t like, and she said “I don’t like spicy food – I just like things plain and bland”. Aargh – I don’t do plain and…

lazy chicken team waste

So called, because it was cooked up with all the stuff left over from our camping trip to Wales with our friends. I had a pack of chicken thighs, so they were chopped up and browned off in some groundnut oil, then put in the slow cooker.  Then I fried off some onions in the…