season of mists and mellow fruitfulness …

10lbs of bramleys and a bag of windfalls

A friend was selling Bramleys from her garden at £0.15 per lb, in aid of the local LibDems.  I said I’d take 6kgs, and she delivered them yesterday, and threw in a bag of windfalls.  I was amused to see the apples delivered in a Louis Vuitton bag – a less Vuitton woman than Deborah is hard to imagine, unless of course it’s me.

So my first foray into winemaking begins.  I’ve chopped up and boiled the windfalls, and the resultant mush is sitting in a bucket with yeast and sugar, and will be put into a demijohn tonight.  It’s really quite exciting!

The rest of the apples will be boxed and put into a cupboard somewhere; they were going to go into the shed, but I’m a bit worried about slugs and snails and so forth in there.