pork with leek and peppers

The great freezer transfer disgorged a box of pork fillets, so I though I’d cook one last night.

I cut it into thin strips, and fried it up in some olive oil, then set it aside.  Then into the pan went a big knob of butter, a few sliced mushrooms, a yellow pepper deseeded and cut into strips, and two elderly leeks, chopped into rounds.  Fried them down a bit, while I rummaged in what’s left of the herb garden for some sage.

Finely chopped the sage and threw it in, together with about 3/4 of a mug of good apple juice.  I recommend you keep apple juice in your store cupboard – it makes a really nice change from stock or wine for cooking.

Seasoned with salt and black pepper, put a lid on it, and set it over a low heat.  I guess it had about 20 minutes in all, but the pork was well cooked before I got to this stage – I’m a bit paranoid about cooking pork well.

We had a bowl of cooked spuds in the fridge, which had been destined for an Easter fry up breakfast which never materialised.  So I cut them up, and fried them in olive oil and butter to go with the pork.


One Comment

  1. Tiggsybabes says:

    I saw this via twitter, had all the ingredients in our fridge / freezer / cupboards, so defrosted some pork steaks.

    Delicious, thank you for the idea of cooking with apple juice too, not tried it before.

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