Bought on eBay for almost exactly the sum I sold some Russell & Bromley loafers! Been thinking about one for a while, and thought it was worth a go.
I shall be posting recipes for it (if they work!). At the moment, we are testing it with some Indian dhal thus:
18 fl oz green lentils and 32 fl oz water bunged into pot. One onion, and the top of last night’s leek finely sliced, fried up with chopped garlic and ginger, and spices (tumeric, coriander, cumin, cardamon seed, ajwain, allspice, black pepper, and asfetida all ground up).
Poured this spicy mixture on top of the lentils, and put the pot on Auto at about 3.45 this afternoon. Hoping it will be ready around 7.30, and if not – well, I’ll put it in a pot on the stove. You gotta start somewhere 🙂
Imagine my delight when I moved into this flat and found the previous tenants had foolishly left behind their slow cooker! It’s a little big for me on my lonesome mind. Still, I’ve used it a few times and crammed the excess into my tiny shoebox freezer.