cracked …

ye olde lasagne dish

Nothing much to blog at the moment.  I was out at meetings (school governors, local politics) Monday and Tuesday night, and we have a sick cat so we’re a bit distracted.  We’ve been eating out of the freezer.  We’ve signed up with a new veg box scheme, VegBox2U – their first delivery arrived yesterday, and we’re pretty pleased with it, so normal service will be resumed real soon now!

Last night was lentil lasagne – I suppose, in fact, I was using up half of a huge bag of spinach.  I had the lentils, I had the bechamel sauce made, I had the spinach, the grated cheese, the lasagne … I got the dish out of the cupboard, and WOE!  Big crack, as you can see in the photo; the crack goes right through the dish, and up the side.  No way were we putting dinner in *that* – it would have been dangerous.

But what to use?  We didn’t have another suitable earthenware dish, so I put it in my beloved old white enamelled tin dish with the blue edge.  But it wasn’t really right, because the sides aren’t straight.

And so, I am going to have to buy a new lasagne dish, especially as this is the second one we’ve lost in recent years (Pete left the first one on the gas, which wasn’t all that clever).

Wah …