courgette and spring green stir fry

We bought *loads* of veg at the weekend – trying to lose weight and keep carbs under control (yay! 4lbs lost last week!). We also bought some rhubarb – well, you have to when it is local, don’t you?  The threat of a rhubarb crumble (albeit one made with brown flour and porage oats) meant that I wanted something very light for a main course.

Chopped garlic and fresh ginger nice and fine. Cut a courgette into thick matchsticks. Cut an onion in half, and then into thin slices. Very thinly sliced some rather weary spring greens left from last week.

Into a wok with hot groundnut oil went a heaped teaspoon of sesame seeds, the garlic and ginger, and stirred round until cooked. Heaped in the courgette and onion and did the same. Put some noodles on to cook (they only need 3 minutes).

Added the shredded greens to the wok, and stirred about until cooked, then a splash of rice wine, and a dessert spoon of oyster sauce. When the noodles were cooked, I drained them and stirred them into the veg mixtures.

The rhubarb crumble was lovely too 🙂