banana muffins – late breakfast

banana muffins – late breakfast, originally uploaded by ramtops.

Ridiculously easy – I made just half a dozen for breakfast, to use up some ancient bananas.

50g softened butter
90g demerara sugar
1 medium egg
3 small, tired, bananas, peeled
75g natural yoghurt
120g plain flour
1 tsps baking powder
25g wheat flakes
2 tbsp milk

Hurl everything except the wheat flakes in the food processor and blitz. Add the wheat flakes and pulse so they’re broken up, but not powdered.

Put in a 6 cup muffin pan (I always use a silicon one), bake for 25 minutes at 190˚ C. Leave to cool in the pan until hunger overcomes you.


  1. giles says:

    i don’t have any wheat flakes, but i’ve got some wheatabix, will that do?

  2. mac says:

    @giles – don’t see why not. I’ve made them with bran flakes before, and they’re actually nice, but I didn’t have any. It’s just to add a bit of texture/roughage.

  3. Jacqi B says:

    ooh, a new banana recipe – I’ll try this tomorrow

  4. giles says:

    oh, and: 900g of sugar? is that right?

  5. giles says:

    no, i it’s not right, i misread it completely. doh.

    i’ll get me coat.

  6. mac says:

    @giles – already edited. I think they’d be a tad buzzy with 900g ..

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