I know it's wrong …

We have had a trying morning, involving a web server running out of steam, and a Dishwasher Incident requiring me to hotfoot it shortly to B&Q to get some drain rods. Also, I failed to make any soup for this week’s lunches, as it was dead warm yesterday.

To console ourselves, we stuck a couple of part baked baguettes in the oven. For mine, I hacked off some Red Leicester cheese, and some home cooked gammon. It’s worth mentioning here that I Cannot Carve, or slice bread. And then I hewed some chunks off a cucumber, and realised that really, I’d need a ladder to eat the baguette if I put the cucumber in, so I had it on the side.

And then – oh the shame – I slathered the cheese and ham with Heinz Salad Cream. It’s wrong, but it tastes so good …