corned beef hash

Which is not what we intended to eat, but upon opening the fridge I was confronted with a box of cooked brussels sprouts left from Friday. Bubble and squeak was the obvious answer, but it was far too late to defrost sossidge, so improvisation was needed.

I boiled up some potatoes, and while they were cooking, I sliced up some onions with my ferocious new mandoline (more on that story later).

Fried off the onion in beef dripping in a big cast iron frying pan, then added the cooked potatos and sliced sprouts, and a tin of corned beef (which I had to get Pete to open as my wrists are bad, and it had no key, for some reason). Then just mashed it all together in the pan as it cooked together, so it made a lovely mulch. Turned the heat up at the end to get a crisp on it.

Lovely winter comfort foot.